
The Financial Alchemy of Fiat Currency: A Historical Reflection on the Modern Economy

Laura Ville

4 min read | Mar 17, 2025

Look around at social media, politics, or the news and you’re likely to agree with the bodybuilding champ-turned-movie star-turned-governor of California.

Whether he was lifting weights for five hours a day or trying to hack a path through the thicket of California politics, Schwarzenegger claims he was consistently happy. What allowed him to maintain a positive outlook despite personal setbacks and tough jobs? In his book Be Useful, Schwarzenegger boils down his philosophy to just four words.

You might think a simple mantra is too flimsy a thing to be actually meaningful in the face of real-life struggle. But according to top psychologists, the Governator actually manages to capture profound truths about human flourishing in one quick motto.

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